What Exactly Is Foot Care And Why Does It Matter?


During an average lifetime, each person walks about 185,000km* that's over 4,400 MARATHONS! It's hard to comprehend that this is just the average and that some people will walk, run and climb much more. When your feet do all this walking, it's hardly surprising that 75% of all people will have foot problems at some point in their lives. Makes sense considering the amount of work they do.

What exactly is foot care?

Foot care involves all aspects of preventive and corrective care of the foot and ankle. Doctors that specialise in foot care are called chiropodists or podiatrists (these are both the same, chiropodists is the more commonly used term in the U.K and Ireland.)

What causes foot problems?

There are lots of reasons you could have issues with your feet but some common reasons include wearing ill-fitting shoes or shoes with material that don't allow the feet to breathe, injury, general wear and tear (remember the 4,400 marathons!), excessive sweating or fungus and bacteria. People with diabetes are 20 times more like to have problems with their feet.

How to care for your feet?


  • Make sure you protect your feet with Nuasan Active Foot Care. This foot spray protects the feet but also eliminates the bacteria that causes foot odour and the fungus that causes athlete's foot and nail fungus. As well as that,it also rids feet of hard skin.
  • Wash your feet as you wash your hands (Ok, maybe not quite as often as we do nowadays!)
  • Bathe or shower your feet, soaking isn't advised as it can remove vital oils from the skin and cause the skin to crack.
  • Wear well fitting shoes; shoes might look good on but if they are uncomfortable, cause pain or irritation then they just aren't the ones for you.

  • Trim your toenails carefully, not too short and just straight across. Keep an eye on your them as thick or white nails can be a sign of fungal nail infection and may need to be treated by a specialist.

Check out our Nuasan Active Foot Care to ensure your feet stay protected and and you feel proud of them.




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